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  • +230 464 4839
  • Inkerman Medical Laboratory (IML)


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Some Procedure Information

Blood Sampling (PHLEBOTOMY)

This is a simple and quick procedure whereby a small amount of blood is taken from the arm of the patient by a needle introduced in a vein. Discomfort is minimal and there is no limitation of activities after the procedure


A morning urine sample is collected in a sterile pot provided by the laboratory. While collecting, the patient has to start urinating for a few seconds and then collect 5-10 ml of urine in the sterile pot. This sample is to be handed over to us as soon as possible.

Fasting Blood Test

The fasting period for Fasting Blood Glucose and Lipids / Cholesterol profile, is 10-12 hours. (Only water is allowed if thirsty).


Test to determine if someone is diabetic or having glucose intolerance.

3 blood samples are taken; One consists of fasting blood sugar after which glucose is given to the patient and blood is drawn again after 1 hour and 2 hours respectively.


Results for general/ routine tests like those appearing in our proposed packages are ready for collection on the next working day
Results for specialized tests especially urine tests and cultures may take up to 2-3 days.
For convenience, these results may also be sent to the client by email.